Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Will Someone PLEASE let me sit down for a moment??!!

      If I could pack any more stuff into three months of time, I don't know how I'd have done it any better than these last three months.  Besides a wonderful trip with MTI (Robert's professional organization) to Nashville, and getting some great face-time in with DiL2 (Lindsay, our "Little Chief") and DS2 ("Number Two", Matthew), SisterDear (Jane) came in from TimorLeste, & we got news that DD1 ("CelloGirl"Georgia) was expecting, and that she and Charles Cox would be getting married in the early part of  2012.   We already knew DiL1 ("Professor Anne") and DS1 ("KingofChaos" John) were coming in for Xmas and that we were having a Surprise Shower for the Spawn (baby Lily) and that DD2 ("NavyGirl") would be shipping out in early January. 
     Did I need a Lie-Down?  Why, yes, thank you, I did.  Did I get one?  Not Hardly. 
  Xmas went off without a hitch, but, sadly, without our Usual Soup/Cookie Day celebration (sort of a Sinko tradition: an open house of open proportions, with food, drink, cookie decorating, much music, etc.)  The Shower, a stupendous success, went off practically hitch-less, and both Xmas and Shower photos  may be viewed on Facebook.
      Lydia leaving was exciting and sad and bittersweet--we've been empty nesters ever since she left for college; though she  came home often, she didn't often stay here, so Lyd Sightings were numerous, but not lengthy.  Here we were (are) looking at her taking flight for her Own Life. For Real. Six years of obligation, and her being a continent away.  Sobering.  I picked back up on letter writing, since she couldn't have technology at hand, and only got a few phone calls the entire 2 months.

      Georgia & Charles' wedding.  Let me say right up front that I hate surprises.  Once i got over this one, (with a little help from Artificial Calmness: citalopram, which i take w/ religious regularity) Sister Dear bustled right in and we started to plan.  A Dress, A Party, Flowers, Announcements, Cake, etc...all became a reality in less that three weeks.  This is not recommended if you are Doing It Up Big, but both Charles and Ga were intent on small and simple.  Again, Photos are available on Facebook. 
       In February I had a clear mammogram and a all-clear check-up for my 2nd anniversary as a cancer survivor.  Again, another entry later.
      Early in March, we traveled to Great Lakes Ill to see Lydia become Seaman Sinko.  We were impressed, proud, excited, moved.  She is off to Monterey California and has hit the ground running with the exuberance which has marked her whole life! 

      John and Anne's little daughter Lily was born 7 March. 

      There.  a catch-up blog entry.       

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