Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A New Role

Lily Rhys Sinko made her appearance on 7 March 2012, and warp-factored me into a new dimension of life:  I am now a Grandmother.  I don't FEEL like a grandmother, and my gentle readers will refrain (of course) from commenting on how I look like a grandmother...thank you.  But this granny-hood seems to grow on one.  I feel about like i did with John's birth: amazed, awed, but not wildly in love. Yet.  (I expect that will come, along with time, as it did with my complete adoration for my eldest!)

She is delicate, she is pretty (I know, I know: all babies look like Winston Churchill, BUT...) she is amazing. Just the fact that she did not exist and now she does overwhelms me.  Lily's  a classically Good Baby.  Her innards are working just fine, so crying is limited to Where's My Blasted Bottle?! and My Diaper Regions Are Icky! and There Are Odd Gas Pains! and I Want To Be Held.  She quiets almost immediately, is responsive to touch and voice and such, and is very satisfactory to hold and cuddle.   I've done Night Shift for two nights, giving her parents a chance to sleep and not just doze. 

I haven't a clue what she should call me.  I draw the line at drivelly nick-names; they are not me. (Mee-maw? puleeze. Nana? sounds like a dog.  M On the other hand "Grandmother" is tried and true.  "Granny-Lin" which I've used to refer to myself in a half-mocking manner actually has some appeal. "Ma Sinko" has historical significance, and would do. But NO one I know goes by 'granny', and Irene Ryan's character was always a favorite...we'll see.   God knows I'd love to be a "Grand Mere, or Grand maMA, orsimilar elegant character in this child's life, but I think I'll probably fall somewhere between Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg (two characters in the discworld novels).  I'm working on cleaning up my language.  Surely that's enough for now. I'm delighted and proud and going to have to learn this grannying business like i did the parenting...hopefully, I'll be a quicker study this time around!


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